Help>About the Approx. Amount

About the Approx. Amount

View an Estimate of the Item Price in Your Preferred Currency!

"Just how much is Japanese yen anyway?" "Until I get to my Cart, I have no idea how much I’m spending!" We heard your concerns, and in response, we have updated our site to display an estimate of the item price on the item first-look and detailed information pages, in the currency you are most familiar with.

For customers in the U.S., the item price will be displayed in US$.
For customers in Singapore, the item price will be displayed in SG$.
We hope you continue to enjoy shopping with the newly improved and easier-to-understand


For Windows Internet Explorer(displayed currency is determined by your language of preference)

  1. Click on "Tools" at the top of your screen, and then from the Tools menu select "Internet Options."
  2. Click on the "Languages" button within the "General" tab.
  3. Within the "Language Preferences" dialog box, click on "Add," then select the language you would like to use.
  4. After adding your desired language, highlight it and click on "Move Up" until it is at the top of the list. Then click on "OK."
  5. When you return to the "General" screen, click "OK" there too.
  6. Refresh the page by clicking on the logo at the top left of the page. The displayed price estimate will change accordingly.
    Chinese (Hong Kong) [zh-hk] will display HK$.
    English (Canada) [en-ca] will display CA$.

For Mozilla Firefox

  1. Click on "Tools" at the top of your screen, and then from the Tools menu select "Options."
  2. Click "Contents," then "Choose" in the "Language" section.
  3. Click "Select a language to add...," select your language and click "Add."
  4. After adding your desired language, highlight it and click on "Move Up" until it is at the top of the list. Then please click on "OK."
  5. Refresh the page by clicking on the logo at the top left of the page. The displayed price estimate will change accordingly.
    Chinese (Hong Kong) [zh-hk] will display HK$.
    English (Canada) [en-ca] will display CA$.

If the displayed price estimate did not change after following the above steps, please contact our Customer Service Department. Customer Service

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